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Comparing Elections: The 2020 US Presidential vs. 2024 Mexican Presidential Election

Welcome to "Election and Reflection," where we dive into the chaotic beauty that is democracy. Today, we dissect and compare the political roller coasters that were the 2020 US presidential election and the 2024 Mexican presidential election.

Illustrated comparison of the election processes in the US 2020 and Mexico 2024, depicting the complexities and challenges of each.

A tale of two elections.

While the United States 2020 election was riddled with cries of voter suppression, illegal voting, and accusations of being "rigged," our neighbors to the south in Mexico just showed how electing a new president - and a whole new government - can be done. Both elections had their share of controversies. The US had to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and angst over postal voting. Mexico, on the other hand, had to face issues of cartel violence and economic challenges. 

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves - there's a lot to unpack here. 

Voting Logistics

First up, let's talk logistics. While the U.S. was busy wrangling mail-in ballots and battling disinformation in the 2020 elections, Mexico took a different route for its 2024 presidential election. They held theirs on a Sunday. Yes, a day when most people are off work and free to vote. Imagine that. It's like they wanted to make it easy for people to vote. While this is not new for Mexico, it underscores the importance of making voting accessible to as many voters as possible. 

Contrast between the US mail voting process and the vibrant, communal street celebrations during elections in Mexico.
 A family outside a polling station on election day in Mexico with a banner reading "Election Day: Sunday."

Alcohol Ban and Voters’ Focus

Mexico also took the bold step of banning alcohol sales nationwide during the election weekend. Now, cutting out alcohol might seem draconian to some, but it underscores a larger debate: how do we ensure voters are exercising their right to vote? 

Why? To keep voters focused on the important task at hand - choosing their next leaders, not choosing another round of shots. Now, I know what you're thinking - "But, how am I supposed to drown my sorrows after my candidate loses?" Fair point, but at least you'd be sober enough to remember who you voted for. 

Illustration showing Mexico's election weekend with a focus on the ban of alcohol sales, highlighting the country's efforts to ensure a sober voting environment.

Female Candidates in Mexico

And speaking of the candidates, did you know that the two main contenders in the Mexican presidential race were both women? Talk about a glass ceiling being shattered. It's a milestone that deserves recognition, especially in a region where machismo still runs rampant. 

Representation Matters

Now, let's talk about representation. The 2020 U.S. elections made Kamala Harris the first female Vice-President of U.S. history. But Mexico, in 2024, said, "That's cute," and presented not one, but two main female candidates for the presidency. Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez shattered the glass ceiling, making it rain shards of progress and equality. The presence of female candidates in Mexico's election prompts the question: why does gender parity still seem like a novelty and not a norm in many democracies? The powerful message here is that representation matters, and it's high time every country got the memo. 

Two female political leaders celebrating in front of the Mexican flag with a cheering crowd in the background.

Electoral Processes and Accessibility

And congratulations to Ms. Claudia Sheinbaum, who was elected with 60 percent of the vote to be the first woman president in Mexican history. Now, I'm not saying that electing a woman automatically solves all gender equality issues, but it's a step in the right direction. And who knows, this may inspire more countries to follow suit and give more women a seat at the table.  I'm not here to tell you which electoral process is better or worse. But I will say this: it's refreshing to see a country take bold steps to make voting more accessible and inclusive. And if that means banning booze for a couple of days, I'll raise a glass to that...once the ban is lifted, of course. 

Lessons from Mexico’s Election

At the end of the day, whether you lean left, right, or you're just trying to figure out which way is up, one thing is clear - Mexico's 2024 presidential election was a masterclass in democracy. They made it easy for people to vote, kept things on level, and showed the world that gender shouldn't be a barrier to leadership. And, while the U.S. is busy with its usual election-year banter in 2024, Mexico quietly raised the bar. Maybe it's time we took a few notes from our southern neighbors. 

While both the U.S. and Mexico have made strides in their electoral processes, their paths highlight different priorities and structures within their societies. Mexico's conscious effort to facilitate voter participation and to push for gender equality serves as a reminder that democracy is a living, evolving entity. So, here's to hoping that future elections, whether in the U.S., Mexico, or beyond, continue to learn from each other and strive toward a more inclusive and fair system. 

Because, folks, at the end of the day, democracy functions best when it includes all voices, especially the ones traditionally left out. 

People at a campaign rally in Mexico with the Mexican flag and a city skyline in the background.

Conclusion: Two Elections

Two elections, two countries, and a whole lot of lessons. Whether it's making voting more accessible or promoting gender equality, there's always something to learn from our neighbors. And remember, no matter where you are, your vote counts. So, make it count. And that's a wrap for today's "Election and Reflection." 

See you next time, when we try to turn political chaos into comprehensible content with just a hint of sarcasm. 


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Jun 08

Viva Mexico, cabrones!


Jun 08

And as far as I can tell, there were no cries of rigged elections anywhere in Mexico. No matter what side won or lost, there was no whining. I miss the days of taking a loss like a decent human being.

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